Julia zoekt een Kamer in Amsterdam

Julia zoekt: Een Kamer in Amsterdam

  • Kamer
  • Min. 12 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 22 Per direct

Hi I am Julia from Berlin and I am looking for a room in Amsterdam from end of February till end of August 2022. I am currently studying fashion management and will be doing an internship in Amsterdam. I have lived alone and with roommates for the last 2 years and am a pretty clean and organized person. Sadly I will be working from home most of the time during the internship so a nice and quiet room with good wifi would be perfect. Also I don't know anyone in Amsterdam yet so a roommate who would be willing to show me around a little would be a dream.

Algemene informatie: Julia
  Vrouw, 23 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  2e jaars Fashion Management (UNIVERSITEIT)