Sebastian zoekt een Kamer in Amsterdam

Sebastian zoekt: Een Kamer in Amsterdam

  • Kamer
  • Min. 3 m2
  • Man
  • 22 Per direct

Hej :) I am Sebastian, 24 y.o, coming out of the deepest Bavaria into this great and liberal city! I will pursue my Master studies here at the UvA (Medical Anthropology & Sociology). Originally, however, I am more the artsy kind of guy, having actually dedicated much of my life to the piano (which I studied first). And, being out of a family with 6 children, I am (meanwhile) quite used to the reglements of a respect- and peaceful living together with more individuals differing in character and needs. Yes, so far a short version concerning me - I would be glad to adapt to this city via finding a roof over my head ;)
Veel Groeten, Sebastian

Algemene informatie: Sebastian
  Man, 31 jaar