Sara zoekt een Kamer in Amsterdam

Sara zoekt: Een Kamer in Amsterdam

  • Kamer
  • Min. 8 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 22 Per direct

Im 26 years old. I’m a calm and friendly person, very respectful for others privacy and stuff. Always up to have a glass of wine and chit-chat in the evening, or go dancing in the city. I love live music concerts. I love to keep my home clean, cozy and well designed.

I'm from Spain, so yes,…We can sing together “Despacito, suave, suavecito, poquito a poquito…” and other reggaetons songs, or “La Macarena”.

Hobbies: Traveling, go to concerts, watching netflix, digital drawing, watch the people dance voguing, graphic design in general…

Music: Mura Masa, Stromae, M.I.A, James Blake, Woodkid, Rihanna, Joji, Drake, Childist Gambino, Nina Simone, Etta james …

Movies: Her (Spike Jones), A Single Man (Tom Ford), Mommy (Xavier Dolan), The Shinning, Transpotting (Danny Boyle), Call me by your name, Brokeback Mountain, Ex-Machina or Nymphomaniac (Lars Von Trier), Old boy, Requiem for a dream, The breakfast club, The fly (David Cronenberg), the mummy, jumanji, seven, The skin I live in, Dance in the dark, American Beauty, Inglorious Bastards, Home Alone…

About Sharing

- I am in favor of the visits. If parents / family / friends / boyfriend come to visit you, I have no problem with it, I like that there is movement in the house.
- I love animals (cat, dogs, fish, birds...)

Algemene informatie: Sara
  Vrouw, 32 jaar
Type huurder: Professional