Paul is looking for a HouseBoat in Amsterdam

Paul is looking for: A HouseBoat in Amsterdam

  • HouseBoat
  • Min. 30 m2
  • Male
  • 22 Immediately

Aj and I live in an off-grid tiny home in a coastal town called Stanwell Tops (1hr south of Sydney). We love to surf, go hiking and go out for breakfast. We have two veggie gardens and a flower garden and bees. I am an engineer and run a robotics business in Sydney. Aj has been running a community waste education charity for the past 7 years and will be stepping back from the role in March and handing it over to another organisation to run the program. If you want to check it out, here’s the site:
We spent a while travelling around the Netherlands 10 years ago and loved the culture, people and experience. It’s been on our bucket list ever since to live on a houseboat in Amsterdam. the opportunity has finally presenting itself to come and experience a lifestyle very different from our own and live one of my dreams.

General information: Paul
  Male, 36 years old
Type of tenant: Professional